super easy to put together. took about 20 minutes. the hardest part was using the screw gun at an angle. but its very sturdy and holds lots of little toys my daughter didnt have a place for in her room.
This shelf provides a source of storage while still being aesthetically pleasing. Renting a room means living mostly in your room, and having all of your belongings in your room. This shelf is perfect because it allows me to put everyday essentials away while still being easily accessible on a quality piece of furniture. Another perk is that it doesn't take up a lot of room but it offers a lot of space to place different items on the 5 shelves.
Needed more closet shelves and these fit, perfectly, without being too bulky. Fairly easy to assemble, sturdy, and they look great. Solution for apartment-living!
Great value for money. No damage; arrived quickly. The shelves are thin and it doesn't seem like it would hold a ton of weight - but it is great for decor pieces.
I wanted shelving similar to cb2 without the price. These are shorter than the ones cb2 has but they are really great and very modern looking. I was able to put it together by myself in less than 30 minutes.
I love these shelves. Perfect for my living room to put the books and decoration. It looks so fancy. Definitely worth the price and so easy to assemble! Had a small bump with the customer service, but I was firm and they solved my problem! Definitely recommend this product!